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Система для испытаний на непрямую восприимчивость к молниям 3ctest LSS 160SM6 и ETS 160MB
Система для испытаний на непрямую восприимчивость к молниям <b>3ctest LSS 160SM6 и ETS 160MB</b>

Система для испытаний на непрямую восприимчивость к молниям 3ctest LSS 160SM6 и ETS 160MB

Документация производителя:

Когда самолет летит в условиях сильной конвекции, он часто подвергается воздействию удара молнии, который вызывает переходное наведенное напряжение или ток в цепях и кабелях бортового оборудования, такое явление называется непрямым эффектом молнии. Это может привести к тому, что самолет выйдет из-под контроля, может даже привести к возгоранию фюзеляжа и другим серьезным авариям. Из соображений безопасности бортовое оборудование должно быть спроектировано надлежащим образом и полностью протестировано, чтобы обеспечить нормальную работу системы и оборудования с критически важными функциями безопасности и безопасность полета, когда воздушное судно подвергается воздействию удара молнии.

Тестовые системы LSS 160SM6 и ETS 160MB разработаны в соответствии с разделом 22 RTCA / DO-160, LSS 160SM6 способен генерировать сигналы 1,4 и 5A / 5B, а ETS 160MB - сигналы 2, 3 и 6. Оба уровня тестирования находятся в диапазоне от 1 до 5 для тестирования ввода контактов и кабеля тест на связку. Кроме того, тестовая система не только удовлетворяет требованиям к тестированию чувствительности к переходным процессам, вызванным молнией, в MIL-STD-461G CS117, но также удовлетворяет требованиям к уровню импульсной инжекции A / B / C / D EUT в GJB 8848: 2016.

Испытательная система ETS 160MB включает в себя различное вспомогательное испытательное оборудование, облегчающее проведение испытаний, такое как трансформатор связи, устройство блокировки питания, устройство блокировки переходных процессов, контактный инжектор, внешний конденсатор постоянного тока и т. д. Более того, программное обеспечение Corelab также доступно для дистанционного управления, который делает ваш тест простым и удобным.


  • Модульная конструкция, модуль формы сигнала является съемным
  • Способен генерировать 6 видов сигналов и выполнять тест на ввод штифтов и тест кабельных жгутов
  • 5,7-дюймовый цветной сенсорный экран с простым и четким управлением
  • Функция фазовой синхронизации в сигнальных штырях и силовых штырях - метод прямого впрыска
  • Программное обеспечение Corelab доступно для удаленного управления


  • GJB 8848-2016
  • MIL-STD-461G
  • AECTP 250
  • AECTP 500
  • HB 6167.24 (2014)
  • RTCA/DO-160G S22

Сведения о реестре СИ

Номер в Госреестре Наименование СИ Обозначение типа СИ Изготовитель Срок свидетельства или заводской номер
не в реестре
Номер в Госреестре Наименование СИ Обозначение типа СИ Изготовитель Срок свидетельства или заводской номер
не в реестре
Technical Parameters for LSS 160SM6
Technical Parameters—Current Waveform 1 Cable Bundle Cable Induction
For tests as per DO-160G S22, MIL-STD-461G CS117(WF2/1) etc.
Coupling Mode Cable Induction (CI)
Output Module W1 CI/GI
Current Waveform 1 6.4 μs ± 20 % / 69 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 A ~ 3500 A (-0%~+20%); Output Impedance≤0.5 Ω
Multiple Stroke Output 50 A ~2000 A (-0%~+20%) (first stroke); Output Impedance≤1 Ω
25 A ~ 1000 A (-0%~+50%) (subsequent stroke); Output Impedance≤1 Ω
Number of Subsequent Pulses 1 ~ 14 (or 1 ~ 30)
Interval Time of Subsequent Pulses 10 ms ~ 200 ms, random mode is available
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s
Coupler LCT- L5
Technical Parameters—Current Waveform 1 Cable Bundle Ground Injection
For tests as per DO-160G S22 etc.
Coupling Mode Ground Injection (GI)
Output Module W1 CI/GI
Current Waveform 1 6.4 μs ± 20 % / 69 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 A ~ 3500 A (-0%~+20%); Output Impedance≤0.5 Ω
Multiple Stroke Output 50 A ~ 2000 A (-0%~+20%) (first stroke); Output Impedance≤1 Ω
25 A ~ 1000 A (-0%~+50%)  (subsequent stroke); Output Impedance≤1 Ω
The Number of Subsequent pulses 1 ~ 14 (or 1 ~ 30)
Interval Time of Subsequent Pulses 10 ms ~ 200 ms, random mode is available
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s
Maximum EUT Power Supply AC 230 V / 32 A 50/60 Hz; DC 230 V/32 A
Coupler LCT- L5
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 4 Signal Pins & Power Pins Direct Injection
For tests as per DO-160G S22 etc.
Coupling Mode Pins Direct Injection (PDI)
Output Module W4 PI
Output Impedance 5 Ω ± 10 %
Voltage/Current Waveform 4 6.4 μs ± 20 % / 69 μs ± 20 %
Output Voltage 50 V ~ 3400 V (-0%~+10%), (open circuit)
Output Current 10 A ~ 680 A (-0%~+10%), (short circuit)
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s (shortest time depends on output amplitude)
EUT Power Supply Max. 230 V
EUT Frequency Max. 800 Hz
Power Blocking Device Greater than peak value of signal or power voltage (optional)
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 4 Cable Bundle Ground Injection
For tests as per DO-160G S22
Coupling Mode Ground Injection (GI)
Output Module W4 CI/GI
Voltage Waveform 4 6.4 μs ± 20 % / 69 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 V ~ 3400 V (-0%~+20%); Output Impedance≥0.5 Ω
Multiple Stroke Output 25 V ~ 1000 V (-0%~+20%) (first stroke); Output Impedance≥0.5 Ω
10 V ~ 500 V (-0%~+50%)  (subsequent stroke);  Output Impedance≥0.5 Ω
Number of Subsequent pulses 1 ~ 14 (or 1 ~ 30)
Interval Time of Subsequent Pulses 10 ms ~ 200 ms, random mode is also available
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s
EUT Power Supply Max. AC 230 V / 32 A 50/60 Hz; DC 230 V/32 A
Coupler LVT-1
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 4 Cable Bundle Cable Injection
For tests as per DO-160G S22, etc.
Coupling Mode Cable Induction (CI)
Output Module W4 CI/GI
Voltage Waveform 4 6.4 μs ± 20 % / 69 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 V ~ 3400 V (-0%~+20%); Output Impedance≥0.5 Ω
Multiple Stroke Output 25 V ~ 1000 V (-0%~+20%) (first stroke); Output Impedance≥0.5 Ω
10 V ~ 500 V (-0%~+50%) (subsequent stroke); Output Impedance≥0.5 Ω
Number of Subsequent pulses 1 ~ 14(or 1 ~ 30)
Interval Time of Subsequent Pulses 10 ms ~ 200 ms, random mode is also available
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s
Coupler LVT-1
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 5A Signal Pins & Power Pins Direct Injection
For tests as per DO-160G S22
Coupling Mode Pins Direct Injection(PDI)
Output Module W5A PI
Output Impedance 1 Ω ± 10 %
Voltage/ Current Waveform 5A 40 μs ± 20 % / 120 μs ± 20 %
Output Voltage 50 V ~ 3200 V (-0%~+10%) (open circuit)
Output Current 50 A ~ 3200 A  (-0%~+10%) (short circuit)
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s (shortest time depends on output amplitude)
EUT Power Supply Max. 230 V
EUT Power Frequency Max. 800 Hz
Power Blocking Device Greater than peak value of signal or power voltage (optional)
Technical Parameters—Current Waveform 5A Cable Bundle Cable Induction
For tests as per DO-160G S22, MIL-STD-461G CS117(WF4/5A) etc.
Coupling Mode Cable Induction (CI)
Output Module W5A CI/GI
Current Waveform 5A 40 μs ± 20 % / 120 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 A ~ 10000 A (-0%~+20%); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
Multiple Stroke Output 50 A ~ 2000 A (-0%~+20%) (first stroke); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
25 A ~ 1000 A (-0%~+50%)  (subsequent stroke); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
Number of Subsequent pulses 1 ~ 14 (or 1 ~ 30)
Interval Time of Subsequent Pulses 10 ms ~ 200 ms, random mode is also available
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s
Coupler LCT- L5
Technical Parameters—Current Waveform 5A Cable Bundle Ground Injection
For tests as per DO-160G S22, MIL-STD-461, CS117 (WF4/5A) etc.
Coupling Mode Ground Injection (GI)
Output Module W5A CI/GI
Current Waveform 5A 40 μs ± 20 % / 120 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 A ~ 10000 A (-0%~+20%) Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
Multiple Stroke Output 50 A ~ 2000 A (-0%~+20%) (first stroke); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
25 A ~ 1000 A (-0%~+50%)  (subsequent stroke); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
Number of Subsequent pulses 1 ~ 14 (or 1 ~ 30)
Interval Time of Subsequent Pulses 10 ms ~ 200 ms, random mode is also available
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s
EUT Power Supply Max. AC 230 V / 32 A 50/60 Hz; DC 230 V/32 A
Coupler LVT- 5
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 5B Signal Pins & Power Pins Direct Injection
For tests as per DO-160G S22 etc.
Coupling Mode Pins Direct Injection(PDI)
Output Module W5B PI
Output Impedance 1 Ω ± 10 %
Voltage/ Current Waveform 5B 50 μs ± 20 % / 500 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 V ~ 1600 V  (-0%~+10%) (open circuit)
50 A ~ 1600 A  (-0%~+10%) (short circuit)
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s (shortest time depends on output amplitude)
EUT Power Supply Max. AC/DC 230 V
EUT Power Frequency Max. 800 Hz
Power Blocking Device Greater than peak value of signal or power voltage (optional)
Technical Parameters—Current Waveform 5B Cable Bundle Cable Induction
For tests as per DO-160G S22
Coupling Mode Cable Injection (CI)
Output Module W5B CI/GI
Current Waveform 5B 50 μs ± 20 % / 500 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 A ~ 5000 A (-0%~+20%) Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
Multiple Stroke Output 50 A ~ 2000 A (-0%~+20%) (first stroke); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
25 A ~ 1000 A (-0%~+50%)  (subsequent stroke); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
Number of Subsequent pulses 1 ~ 14 (or 1 ~ 30)
Interval Time of Subsequent Pulses 30 ms ~ 200 ms, random mode is also available
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s
Coupler LCT ~ L5
Technical Parameters—Current Waveform 5B Cable Bundle Ground Injection
For tests as per DO-160G S22
Coupling Mode Ground Injection (GI)
Output Module W5B CI/GI
Current Waveform 5B 50 μs ± 20 % /500 μs ± 20 %
Single Stroke Output 50 A ~ 5000 A (-0%~+20%); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
Multiple Stroke Output 50 A ~ 2000 A (-0%~+20%) (first stroke) Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
25 A ~ 1000 A (-0%~+50%)  (subsequent stroke); Output Impedance≤0.3 Ω
Number of Subsequent pulses 1 ~ 14 (or 1 ~ 30)
Interval Time of Subsequent Pulses 10 ms ~ 200 ms, random mode is also available
Polarity positive or negative
Number of Test Times 1 ~ 99
Test Repetition 30 s ~ 60 s
EUT Power Supply Max. AC 50/60 Hz 230 V / 32 A; DC 230 V/32 A
Coupler LCT -L5
List of waveform module and test type
Waveform Module Test type
W1 CI/GI Current waveform 1 – cable bundle cable induction test Current waveform 1 – cable bundle ground injection test
W4 PI Voltage waveform 4 – signal pins & power pins direct injection method
W4 CI/GI Voltage waveform 4 - cable bundle cable induction test Voltage waveform 4 - cable bundle ground injection test
W5A PI Voltage waveform 5A – signal pins & power pins direct injection method
W5A CI/GI Current waveform 5A – cable bundle cable induction test Current waveform 5A – cable bundle ground injection test
W5B PI Voltage waveform 5B – signal pins & power pins direct injection method
W5B CI/GI Current waveform 5B – cable bundle cable induction test Current waveform 5B – cable bundle ground injection test
Technical Parameters for ETS 160MB
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 2 Cable Bundle Cable Induction Tests
Coupling Mode Cable Induction
Rise Time < 100 ns
Duration 6.4 µs ± 20%
Test Level for Single Stroke Tests 50 V ~ 2000 V +20%, -0%
Test Level for Multiple Stroke Tests 50 V ~ 2000 V +20%, -0% (first stroke)
25 V ~ 1000 V +50%, -0% (subsequent stroke)
Polarity Positive or negative
Coupling Transformer LVT-2
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 3 (1MHz)  Signal Pins & Power Pins Injection Tests
Coupling Mode Pin injection
Output Impedance 25 Ω
Frequency 1 MHz± 20 %
Decay Rate of  5th Waveshape 25% ~ 75%
Test Level for Single Stroke Tests 100 V ~ 4500 V +10%, -0%
4 A ~ 180 A +10%, -0% (short-circuit current)
Polarity Positive or negative
Phase Sync 0° ~ 359°, resolution 1°
EUT Power Supply Max. AC 230 V, DC ±50 V
EUT Power Frequency 800 Hz
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 3     (1 MHz-H) Cable Bundle Cable Induction Multiple Burst
Coupling Mode Cable Induction
Frequency 1 MHz± 20 %
Decay Rate of  5th Waveshape 25% ~ 75%
Output Impedance ≥60 ohm
Coupling Transformer LVT-2
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 3     (1 MHz) Cable Bundle Cable Induction Tests
Coupling Mode Cable Induction
Frequency 1 MHz± 20%
Decay Rate of   5th Waveshape 25% ~ 75%
Test Level for Single Stroke Tests 50 V ~ 4500 V +20%, -0%
Test Level for Multiple Stroke Tests 50 V ~ 4500 V +20%, -0% (first stroke)
50 V ~ 2250 V +50%, -0% (subsequent stroke)
Polarity Positive or negative
Coupling Transformer LVT-2
Technical Parameters—Voltage Waveform 3     (10 MHz) Cable Bundle Cable Induction Tests
Coupling Mode Cable Induction (CI)
Frequency 10 MHz± 20 %
Decay Rate of   5th Waveshape 25% ~ 75%
Test Level for Single Stroke 50 V ~ 4000 V +20%, -0%
Test Level for Multiple Stroke 50 V ~ 4000 V +20%, -0% (first stroke)
50 V ~ 2000 V +50%, -0% (subsequent stroke)
Polarity Positive or negative
Coupling Transformer LVT-2
Technical Parameters—Current Waveform 6     Cable Bundle Cable Induction Tests
Coupling Mode Cable Induction
Current Waveform 5 A ~ 160 A
Rise Time 0.25 μs ±20%
Duration 4 μs ±20%
Coupling Transformer LVT-3
General parameters
Display 5.7” TFT touch screen
Working Power 220 V,±10%,50/60Hz
Fuse 10 A
User’s Memory Space Infinite (PC)
Communication Mode Ethernet LAN, RJ45
Working Status Indication LED indication and LCD display on front panel
Grounded Connection Flat earth line
Waveform Output Terminal Banana plug line
Dimension LSS 160SM6: 600 mm(L) x 800 mm(W) x1800 mm(H) (35U rack) ETS 160MB: 445 mm(L) x 690 mm(W) x600 mm(H) (4U×2)
Weight LSS 160SM6: Approx. 150 kg ETS 160MB: 37 kg
Ambient Temperature 15 ℃ ~ 35 ℃
Relative Humidity 45% ~ 75%
Atmospheric Pressure 86 kPa ~ 106 kPa
LSS 160SM6 Waveforms 1,4 and 5A/5B
ETS 160MB Waveforms 2, 3 and 6
Fuse, Power line, Flat ground line, Test line, alligator clip, User Manual, Coaxial line
Options (LSS 160SM6)
Line Impedance Stabilization Network LISN AR 50 The LISN AR 50 is used for isolating electric wave in cable bundle test and supply stable impedance for test system;
Max AC 530 V, DC 600 V      I rms: 50 A;
Frequency Range: 10 kHz ~
400 MHz;
Current Coupling Transformer LCT-L5 The LCT-L5 is used for coupling current waveforms 1,5A,5B and meet the test requirement of single/multiple stroke (level 1~5) test;
External DC Capacitor C3350 /C33400 The C3350/C33400 is used together with LISN for conducting cable bundle tests; Maximum DC voltage is 400 V (general configuration is 50 V);
Capacitance: 33000 μF;
Voltage Coupling Transformer LVT-L5 The LVT-1 is used for coupling voltage waveforms 4, 5A and meet the test requirement of single/multiple stroke (level 1 ~ 5) test;
Power Blocking Device CN-1   The CN-1 is used to isolate voltages at the pins of the EUT from the low generator impedance so as to protect the generator;
The maximum isolating ac/dc voltage is 400 V;
Meet the test requirement of powered EUT for conducting pins injection test of waveforms 4, 5A, 5B;
Transient Blocking Device DN-416T The DN-416T is used to prevent EUT power supply from being damaged by pulses 4, 5A and 5B;
EUT Maximum ac/dc power supply is 400 V 16 A three-phase, 0 ~ 400 Hz (common mode);
Meet the test requirement of powered EUT for conducting pins injection test of waveforms 4, 5A, 5B;
Note: Both LSS 160SM6 and ETS 160MB share the DN-416T.
Transient Blocking Device DN-4200T The DN-4200T is used to prevent EUT power supply from being damaged by waveforms 4, 5A and 5B;
Maximum AC/DC power supply is 400 V 200 A three phase, 50/60 Hz (common mode);
Meet the test requirement of powered EUT for conducting pins injection test of waveforms 4, 5A, 5B;
Digital Oscilloscope MDO3012 (Tektronix) Frequency 100 MHz;
Sample Rate 1.25 GS/s;
Record length 10 Mb;
Note: Both LSS 160SM6 and ETS 160MB share the MDO3012.
Wide-band Current Monitor CM 0302M The CM 0302M is used to measure W1, W4 and W5A/5B;
Max. peak current 200 kA;
Sensitivity 0.001 V/A;
Frequency: 5 Hz ~ 2 MHz
Current time product: 10 A·s;
Differential Probe THDP0100 (Tektronix) 6 kV differential mode, 100 MHz;
The THDP0100 is used for measuring voltage of all waveforms
Note: Both LSS 160SM6 and ETS 160MB share the THDP0100.
Corelab Software The software is used for remote control;
Support connection with oscilloscope for monitoring waveforms;
support generating test report;
Note: Both LSS 160SM6 and ETS 160MB share the Corelab software.
Options (ETS 160MB)
Coupling Transformer LVT-2 The LVT-2 is used to couple voltage of waveform 2 and waveform 3 (1 MHz & 10 MHz);
It satisfies single stroke, multiple stroke and multiple burst tests of cable bundle; Test level is from 1 to 5;
Max. coupling voltage is 2000 V for W2;
Max. coupling voltage is 4000 V for W3;
Coupling Transformer LVT-3 The LVT-3 is used to couple current of waveform 6;
It satisfies multiple burst tests of cable bundle; Test level is from 1 to 5;
Max. coupling current is 160 A;
Power Blocking Device CN-2 The CN-2 is used to isolate voltages at the pins of the EUT from the low generator impedance in waveform 3 pins direct injection test;
Handheld Pin Injection Probe HIP 5000 The probe is used in pin injection tests of waveform 3 (1 MHz);
Handheld structure design makes pin injection tests convenient;
Current Divider MCS 01 The MCS 01 is used to measure current of waveforms 2, 3 and 6.
Wide-band Current Monitor CM 0103M The CM 0103M is used to measure W2, W3(1 & 10 MHz) and W6;
Max. peak current 5 kA;
Sensitivity 0.1 V/A;
Frequency: 200 Hz ~ 20 MHz
Current time product: 0.2 A·s;
35U rack ETS 160MB-35U The ETS 160MB-35U is used to place all devices and accessories to makes the storage in order;
There are two main unit storage tanks and four waveform input modules storage tanks, and each tank having sliding rail, which makes it easy to insert or pull out the modules;

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